Abishai100 : Writing

Football-Chore Wink: '24 Division

Football-Chore Wink: '24 Division

A Story by Abishai100

Sports windows ornament tale of '24 season thrills/quills for American Homeland competition-consciousness and football-variety 'jewelry' for citizens/..
Erron American (Outworld)

Erron American (Outworld)

A Story by Abishai100

Outworld merc Erron contacts two Earth-realm cyber-tourney gents for a tech/toys 'consciousness' of intelligent jewelry.
The Sport of Euro {Jr.}

The Sport of Euro {Jr.}

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of (fictional) eco-capitalism 'IQ' for heist/romance for an Irish (Dublin) castle like move of incomplete bureaucracy-arts and dodecahedrons.
Monday Willow

Monday Willow

A Story by Abishai100

Monday football prompts two affable Americans to give adjective-imagery for a potential micro-rivalry 'theater' for contest qualia.
The Killing Fields: Sheol

The Killing Fields: Sheol

A Story by Abishai100

Earth fields adventurism fiction about demons and magic-physics.
The Snake Wits

The Snake Wits

A Story by Abishai100

Brothers of great sport-line are offered a dare by an underworld 'specter' to cast story-lines of Earthling fortune for ice.
TV of Jury: Cards Defensive-End

TV of Jury: Cards Defensive-End

A Story by Abishai100

Can sports-cards yield stranger magic for fans/critics concerning a mod-TV age of Selfie-IQ Ego, for a random workshop?


A Story by Abishai100

Cowriters of '24 football in the West make for nifty (American) cleats-charms with field-variety 'image' in contest windows and arena chandeliers.
The Sword & the Shy

The Sword & the Shy

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of Earthling troubles 'magnetized' by the presence of dark-message 'Strangers' requiring special view of bureaucracy-arts.
Atlantic-City: Downs

Atlantic-City: Downs

A Story by Abishai100

A sports-card hype-adventure in Boardwalk-town yields a rather sobering 'expression' of fortune's jolly.