Abishai100 : Writing

The Eerie: Earth-American DateBook

The Eerie: Earth-American DateBook

A Story by Abishai100

Can TV-feed (American Homeland football) straight-equation the mod-Earth paranoia of manmade-datelistings lace/terrorism (for a 'weak-looking' doughnu..
Boston's Lead: Amlan & Ezzy

Boston's Lead: Amlan & Ezzy

A Story by Abishai100

A New England bank mystery yields hand-axes expressions for the 'sportsmanship' of eco-capitalism lines to Boston's (cool) speculators for Super Bowl ..
Crown Jewels: English/Goal

Crown Jewels: English/Goal

A Story by Abishai100

Can sportsmanship for the fabled UK-monarchy treasures yield expressions for an eco-capitalism vigilante 'feeling' in humorous field goals?
Diamonds can Shiny

Diamonds can Shiny

A Story by Abishai100

Can Euro-currency infiltrations-game for gems-islands books/marks create an ideal Western/Earth treasure-celebrity special team?


A Story by Abishai100

Can a new graver Earth of survival prompt two wandering action-setters to find some sanity in a dark sky environment of Silent Hill touchdowns?
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

A Story by Abishai100

Outworld misfits and some heroics-minded personalities seek opposing agenda for Earth-realm domain controls/anarchy.
Football's Wide

Football's Wide

A Story by Abishai100

Can football save the patriot?
Ronin C++

Ronin C++

A Story by Abishai100

Ex-intelligence exchange handshakes and road-skill games of underworld diamond-intrigue and smugglers-intercepts/chase for an Arles decimal.
Oscar Blind

Oscar Blind

A Story by Abishai100

Interview of a wonderful/chance Oscar-night contender of weight in a portrait of terrorism's hand axes of end zones, without any (actual) 'special tea..
Belfast's Pentagon

Belfast's Pentagon

A Story by Abishai100

Eco-capitalism veil for vigilantism makes 'mark' of this UK-line for blood-diamonds smugglers-banks intercepts for all that's Earth's insurance (for a..