Abishai100 : Writing



A Story by Abishai100

Adult-capitalist games make for both dash and superstition in this Western/Earthling distance fable about inventive bureaucracy.
Rockatansky: Bloom

Rockatansky: Bloom

A Story by Abishai100

Can a post-apocalypse environment stir the likes of a pre-disasters Earth policeman to don the mantle of roadways doctor for heaven?
Faerie Quarterback Physics Delusion

Faerie Quarterback Physics Delusion

A Story by Abishai100

A 'faerie-tale' of incomplete-distances readings affecting the lines of treasure-motions and eco-capitalism 'dogma' in the Western world.
First Knight Wire

First Knight Wire

A Story by Abishai100

A toy-man fan reviews with psychiatry his American Homeland fascination with a first-knight robot-avatar toy (Transformers) for Earth space for Selfie..
Belfast Chain/Mail

Belfast Chain/Mail

A Story by Abishai100

Can UK (Northern Ireland) hyperbole for eco-capitalism matter yield commerce/media expressions for inter-religious consumerism dowry-dictionaries?
Strangers: Holding Downs

Strangers: Holding Downs

A Story by Abishai100

Does world-view detective conversation (media-interview) yield 'Strangers' expressions for outright Western (American) dystopia?
Football's Detector-Set

Football's Detector-Set

A Story by Abishai100

Sports-culture yarn about affable detective-works 'chess-tied' to (American Homeland) football yielding expressions of 'human' helmets.
Gotham's Aquacultural

Gotham's Aquacultural

A Story by Abishai100

Can Batman/Robin, masked heroes of challenged Gotham (city) offer a 'reaction' to eco-terrorism's 'hyped' veils?
Belfast Bell (Atlantic)

Belfast Bell (Atlantic)

A Story by Abishai100

Adaptation of the Neil Jordan offbeat (Irish) gem about inventions in self-control failure 'awareness' yielding an Earth 'space' expression for outrig..


A Story by Abishai100

Academy Awards night maybe drives curse-spike of envy between husband-wife in this adaptation of Stephen King's searing/dark work about 'acquired' bre..