Can capitalism's dodecahedrons facilitate a new Western languages 'shine' for a real-world James Bond stranger character in this fiction for doctorate..
Can a 'fantastic' Outworld warrior-pair make for Grand-Canyon defenses in the adjective of capitalism's dogma in defiance of tracking bloody-gem warlo..
Can Mr. Amlan Satan, a vampire-lore bud, erect a (very-special) home 'dominion' defense shield 'line' for securities/confidence in American banks in t..
A residential area in NJ/USA offers the Cybertronian robot bad-sergeant (Scourge) a special lancet for destabilizing a sports-highway 'image' for Eart..
The 2019 World Series inspires this fan-baseball fiction-tale of a duo offering a ghost-magic image for (American Homeland) media distance to gorgeous..
Inventive portrait of a world-trekking hotel-housekeeper who recounts her 'dialysis' examination in a (secret/buried) time-capsule report (for future ..