Abishai100 : Writing

Arles Arrows End

Arles Arrows End

A Story by Abishai100

Amlan and Raki are suddenly cast as French roadways merc-pals for a mystery job in a mystery underside 'intelligence' world as mystery-IQ mercs with e..
Some Tennis Accent

Some Tennis Accent

A Story by Abishai100

Conversation with a net pen-pal about a tennis comeback quality-adverb concerning that bind of sports with (simplified) uncertainty.
Arles Arrow of Downs

Arles Arrow of Downs

A Story by Abishai100

Can French toast for ex-intelligence yield hand-axes roadways-IQ for all that's simplified leviathan/football?
Tennis Dime

Tennis Dime

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated (fictional) claim of a sports/sociology history-writer whose 'examination' of the Seles-Graf rivalry (1992) yields a 'light' for super fictio..


A Story by Abishai100

Is street-sense grifter 'consciousness' a capitalism/migration for an image in Earth's sportsmanship 'lines' for inventive bureau-quarterbacks in the ..
Satan's Angels of Windy City

Satan's Angels of Windy City

A Story by Abishai100

Bright Olympics-seasons securities fanfiction of the iconic series (Charlie's Angels) about bad-sports distances to capitalism's arms of documents.


A Story by Abishai100

The inventive world-trekking 'Hornet' makes for eco-capitalism 'splash' in the mod-Earth languages of both sportsmanship and governance's 'dark' fates..


A Story by Abishai100

Amlan and Dartmouth become a special football-ages duet for languages in the Homeland for media and culture's electric dowry.
Belfast Maid's English/Eco

Belfast Maid's English/Eco

A Story by Abishai100

Can diamonds offer eco-hype for some Western cone?
Three Helmet: Northern Irish Kingdom(s)

Three Helmet: Northern Irish Kingdom(s)

A Story by Abishai100

Can eco-capitalism for Euro-currency 'visage' offer a special UK line for all that's mod-Earth/media/consumerism copy for three magical heroes?