Abishai100 : Writing

Birth of a Station

Birth of a Station

A Story by Abishai100

Fan-letter to tennis/media reflecting a world-design 'shape' of competition to parallel behaviors-distances (for 'destroyer' nets).


A Story by Abishai100

An LA-time deed for darkness between twins (brothers) marks this (adaptation) tale of inventions in incomplete-bureaucracy sport.
Sea will Point

Sea will Point

A Story by Abishai100

A world intelligence game created by a masked adversary for aqua-signals interference implosion signals a computer-wizard to make for sea-helmets.
Oscar's Books

Oscar's Books

A Story by Abishai100

Oscar night offers father and two (adopted) darlings Euro-helmets for inventions of hospitality end zones in the leviathan of Earth/fiction.
Mileena's Fare

Mileena's Fare

A Story by Abishai100

An Outworld heroine seeking defiance reaches an Earth-prince for a video-game universe translation 'faerie-tale' for bloody dowry lines.
Miami's Force

Miami's Force

A Story by Abishai100

Journal (time-capsule) retelling of an eco-deed worth its weight in Orange-State bureaucracy fiction/doubt.
The Right Helmet

The Right Helmet

A Story by Abishai100

Man and woman become allies for a UK-expression in diamonds-intelligence for an eco-affair of leviathan.


A Story by Abishai100

Man narrated an image of travel-interest (Kyiv) for a city-park light revealing a human-heart (or will) for heartfelt crime.
Football Cambridge Oval

Football Cambridge Oval

A Story by Abishai100

Can football create discrete ostentatiousness?
Wonderland: Phone/Book

Wonderland: Phone/Book

A Story by Abishai100

Two Homeland-Jersey capitalist pals from Dartmouth make adult-media/wage with a labyrinth worth a consumerism dark call.