Abishai100 : Writing

Wonderland Thousand Island

Wonderland Thousand Island

A Story by Abishai100

Capitalism (adult-media) venturers make record for convenience-consumerism legend and seek escape from a 'defined' Baroness.
Kylo-Ren: pH {Fanfiction}

Kylo-Ren: pH {Fanfiction}

A Story by Abishai100

The converted Ben Solo is Kylo-Ren with a new lingering Sith agenda to make a time-travel (20th-Century Earth) pre-9/11 symbol-deed for anarchism.
Town-of-English: Boston Patron/Corner

Town-of-English: Boston Patron/Corner

A Story by Abishai100

Affable town-pals from Dartmouth make a treasure-islands insurance 'eye' for a Western expression pre-Brussels escape.
Raiden's Lotto

Raiden's Lotto

A Story by Abishai100

Outworld master of electric energy (Raiden) makes capitalism-realm 'simile' to perfect marketing sport-cleats 'wire' for leviathan.
Triangle-of-Doubt: Easels

Triangle-of-Doubt: Easels

A Story by Abishai100

Nonfiction presentation of the intrigue/interest behind Bermuda Triangle sea-mysteries of vanishings/malfunctions and the 'wire' storyboard behind it ..
American Shadows

American Shadows

A Story by Abishai100

A man converses darkness with his psychiatrist post-deed of escapism from a hellmouth for a shocking 'revelation' of a witch-hideout message.
Vampire's Brooch

Vampire's Brooch

A Story by Abishai100

A cinema-award nominated American artist may actually be an immortal-vampire 'athlete' (with helmets).
The Abyss: A Custom Think Tank

The Abyss: A Custom Think Tank

A Story by Abishai100

Robotech brains parallel a Xeno-dragon invasion for a customs-leviathan cream featuring a 'light' for simplified ocean contract.
Chess of the Weeks

Chess of the Weeks

A Story by Abishai100

A chess-writer confers with a challenging cyber-woman for a world 'matrix' allusion to the weaves of capitalism/network gerunds.
Terminator: Gun

Terminator: Gun

A Story by Abishai100

SkyNet 'Terminators' take-over the good Earth, requiring the Resistance of humans (e.g., Mr. Amlan Satan) to seek incomplete doughnuts.