If I had a nickel for every time…I annoyed people, I could buy their admiration.I made people laugh at me, I’d be Jerry Seinfeld.I was ma..
A bird without a nest, a human that cannot rest,A teacher giving a test, a dog making a mess,All of those come to mind.A salad without dressing, a pro..
This poem is dedicated to one of the strongest and greatest people I have the pleasure of being friends with.
Esta es un poema que escribí para todos nosotros quienes sufrir por amor desconocido por el parte de nuestros amores. Lo escribí in espa..
The things we do for love, the things we do to be loved, the things we do to get to love, the things love does to us.
This is for the struggle of those broken by the world's effect and requirements and desires for them.
Born in joy, bathed in love as a boy, I now emerge from the womb,“Wake up! Look alive! You're a baby no more!”From the untested chartered ..
What really is intelligence? Should we go by school or by society? This is answered as the third part to my book about high school pessimism, which in..
Hey everyone! This is another poem analyzing another personality type in high school. Last time, it was the pessimist about love. This time, its the p..
Hey everyone! This poem is part of a set I would like to publish analyzing the different types of people in high school and the underlying causes for ..