"Good moring sunshine." says your mother. You get up shaking and your mother says "Whats wrong baby your shaking."." Uh uh it's just coold thats all."..
Your leaving for school and you can feel the gult just rise and rise. So finally at school you tell a trust worthy friend and they don't belive you so..
Finaly your at the stage where all our thinking about is this huge lie your in. Life is getting harder and hader because everthing know reminds you of..
Now makeing your choise may take awile if you think you can pull it off itmight take a coupleof days to plan it all out. If you think you cant pull it..
Now your not sure if you schould go on lying or tell the truth. So your going to make a plan for what ever you choise first.Exmaple number one, lets s..
You have a friend that can get awaywith lying and you go to them for help, they tell you the complet oppsite of what I'm telling you. They say just go..
The only reson your lying friend wants you to contuine with this lye is because they want to be cool with you. This friend is not a friend at all. You..
Let's say that this friend goes with your chose about not lying. They say " Good choise way to go with your heart." Then now who are you going to tell..
" Today is the day." your thinking. You wake up and get ready to tell your mom and dad. You tell them every thing! The first thing they tell you in a ..
You are up staires waiting for some kind of response from your mom and dad. Finally they call you down to talk to you. They tell you " We knew along w..