Sea Of TranquilityI look to The Moonto The Sea of Tranquility,it reminds me of her eyesand how I used to live there.I held her tightin the deep waters..
Chaos TheoryFlaming out spectacularlygoing down in a fitof rage,I pull out flowersby their roots!It's not a complementyou see,it's a state of mindon f..
Bleeding BeautifullyHearing her namefor the first time,taking in wineby the fistful,she waits to walk in the sun.Barely breathingin someone else's poe..
NoitciddaSugar coated and strangelike peeling the skinfrom an open sore,I think of rain.The stink of onionsin every sentence uttered,very much an open..
Wine With EggsBeing myself an eggand in the latter yearssome kind of dove.I pick at the bloodunder my fingernails.Stopping just shortof selling out,pr..
Sunflower FieldsI cut myself in Sunflowersto show that I still care,letting out the waterin ripples,standing in a freshly dug hole.I have no pitypushi..
E SharpBaked in the sunto the bone, brittle,walking where a sunsetonce wasand will never be again.The ground is bitteron the tonguethe light,or lack t..
I had a dreamthat I was lovedonce;it never occurred to meto open my eyes.But that's not so,I just didn't want to.I didn't want to seethe empty spaceso..
She floats through my eyeslike butterflies do,turning up the cornerspassing a smile.I am warmin the middleof her life,as she is the anchorthat holds m..
There is a stormwhere my mindused to be;there are fissures in the memoriesof the peoplein my life.In.My.Life.My soul is aporcelain doll,fragile and in..