The morning after
feels better
than building
circles of brick walls.
To stand
in the middle of.
A little foggy,
A Self Portrait
I am reaching
from scented candlelight,
into a space
just big enough
for my feet.
And I pick lilacs,
in dreams with
Lemon Mist
In particular anger;
a tinge of lemon mist
circles the air,
It feels like fingers
wrapped around the heart,
leaving ..
Sunflower of Trust
Aggravated aggression
running as fast as I can,
and getting nowhere.
I just want
a little peace
to call my own.
Or a ..
To remember,
to be remembered,
all acid
in the wash
of a coroners table.
Long strands
of synthetic
burgundy colored..
Taste of Shadow
Unlike other beginnings,
it was in the taste
of a shadow
that I found meaning.
The coarse feeling
of a working mans hands..
She lives down the alley
though it sometimes feels like miles,
usually closing her eyes
just as I open mine.
But we get to see ea..
Rough Running
The manor of death
begins with grey grins,
and in the fine lines
of the face.
A butterfly
looses it’s wing dust
in t..
Bringing down mountains
just as subtle,
as standing
in small spaces.
There is oil in the reeds,
and on the duck,
and under the ..
Infinitely infested
by the bothersome bugs
scratching my skin.
Almost invigorating.
They crawl into holes
I have made
for them,..