If you have time check out my Deviant account! http://jadepatterson.deviantart.com/
My name is Jade Patterson and I hail from Calgary, Canada. I enjoy dipping in to all genres and trying my hand at them. I do tend to lean towards the more darker characters. I am headed back into the pool that is school this year to take Journalism and English to become a Writer for video games. My goal is to work for Bioware. I am currently working on two book series(Unpublished) The darkened Scrolls and Times Affair. My resolution is to have at least the rough draft of the first two books completed by the end of the year.
Favorite Movie: The Mummy!, The Crow
Favorite Book: The Outsiders, The thief Lord, The Girl That Owned The City
Favorite Bands: Rise Againts, P!nk, Panic at the disco, Poets of the fall... Lots more...
Favorite Song: "Oh I just can wait to be king"
Favorite Food: SLURPIES!!!!! Or Mac and Cheese
Favorite Color: Green! Red! Black!
Favorite Writers: Meg Calbot, Melissa Marr, Becca Fitzpatrick, Erin hunter (which is actually more than one author), Karsten Knight, Kresley Cole.
Favorite animal: dodo (Though I have recently been told that instinct animals don’t count… So I guess either cats or Bearded Dragon.
Favorite Video Game: Bubble Bobble (NES), ZELDA! Halo!
Favorite Marvel Character: Deadpool, Ironman.
Favorite D.C. Character: Harley Quinn, The Joker,
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