C. S. Ortiz

C. S. Ortiz


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Miami, FL
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About Me

Okay... I see you stopped by. Lets see, I am commonly referred to as Chris. Yeah, I guess you can call me that. I like writing fanfiction but I'm becoming more atuned to universes I have created. I dont write itty bitty pieces either. Until I get this place down pack and my storied typed, I won't have a story up for a while. Boo hoo. Anyways, a little tidbits about me. I'm of Hispanic descent (my parental figures are from Nicaragua) but you can't see it usually. Hell, I'm a hardcore gamer right to the core. Sure, I like watching some anime but nothing beats beating a game at its hardest difficulty. As for music, thats pretty much anything. Classical, Jazz, Pop, Rock, whatever. Not that into country (But Achey Brakey Heart rocks!) and Reggaeton can rot but, what two out of Lord knows how much music?

I'm putting this here, my favorite superheroes are Iron Man from Marvel and Superman from DC. The modern knight in shining armor and the last son of Krypton. One of my OC's from fanfictions is heavily influenced by those two. I'm pretty sure their work isnt dont yet. I love a few video game girls. Tifa Lockhart will always be in my heart. My mistress Lara Croft, God your sexy. That innocent ninja Kasumi, you cannot get any harder. I'm also in total infatuation over Sailor Mars. Muwah.

My dream is to be the greatest Mizukage er... I mean Shinigami... crap I mean greatest Video Game Deisgner. A near unreachable dream (Miyamoto is a near god of VG Design) but I'll strive for it. And once I'm older and richer, I'm going to adopt every dog I can. I cannot stand for any more animal cruelty and I'll be dead if I let it past. Don't worry doggies, I'm your savior.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

What's your number? I have to stalk you.
Since you have no life you might as well get a stalker.
Post more stuff on here, I have nothing else to do on here but review.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You need to get on here more, you loozer.
Get out of your mom's basement too. Get an apartment!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You need to get on here more, you loozer.
Get out of your mom's basement too. Get an apartment!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You need to get on here more, you loozer.
Get out of your mom's basement too. Get an apartment!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

eh, nothing much.. just writing;
it's the ONLY thing a grounded emo kid can do when his/her camera's batteries are dead & his/her mom is broke. /:
but whatever. i'm trying to maintain my inner happy.
it's a new year;

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Heheh My Name is Shi-thead. I am a Middle-Eastern XD

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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, and I'm.......Wait what the hell am i supposed to be??!!!!111 ag. i have no name. call me no-name!!!! lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

get off my internets

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Posted 17 Years Ago

azzie is fucked up in the mind. agree, you shall.