Doug Johnson : Writing

Blink and You'll MIss It

Blink and You'll MIss It

A Story by Doug Johnson

Sometimes things happen, and you just end up thinking about really big topics.
Real Life

Real Life

A Story by Doug Johnson

Thinking about school too much can make me really upset.
Somewhere New

Somewhere New

A Poem by Doug Johnson

Sometimes I just write without even looking at what I'm doing. This is one of those poems.
Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Ramblings of a Restless Mind

A Story by Doug Johnson

Something I wrote early in the morning because there was too much going on in my head.


A Story by Doug Johnson

I got upset at society. That's basically all I can say about this.


A Story by Doug Johnson

Sometimes the world really makes me upset and I end up having to write about it.
The Meaning of Happiness

The Meaning of Happiness

A Story by Doug Johnson

This is something that happened after I was feeling a little bit off, but I think it ended up for the better because of this piece.
The Overwhelming Words

The Overwhelming Words

A Story by Doug Johnson

Sometimes writing can get really intense. It completely wipes out all other thoughts. This was one of those times, and this piece was the result.


A Poem by Doug Johnson

This poem is written entirely based on how much I hate writer's block.
The Write Direction

The Write Direction

A Story by Doug Johnson

Not only do I love writing, I also like writing about writing.