Two roads convergedone away from a woodthe other towardno intention of eitherthough no pathworn beforewas predeterminedOthers had led that wayand this..
Whole vibrant fantasiesandvast hellish landscapesexchangedlike a storywith expansive branchesto the dignityof a homecominghearthgolden fingertipscares..
Love bombingled like Gretelto the pota gaslight festivaljesters knowingcarney gamesat their bestbut you muststop Alicesee the teaparty and sayno thank..
My heart has left me.Unplanned,sojourning furlonginto an unknownSolo artist.Lightly treading,plunging,sometimes plodding,stumbling,where othershave bo..
I wonder what Dickinson thoughtwhen told her writing was awfulShy girl filled with a universeof words to contemplate the worldI wonder who judged herb..