Ennay : Writing

Dear Fellow Traveller

Dear Fellow Traveller

A Chapter by Ennay

And now we turn to my beautiful city. Black skies changed into blue..
Ship In A Bottle

Ship In A Bottle

A Chapter by Ennay

You can put everything you know. In a bottle for you to show. Pick your brain apart and put it in.. And build it again with needles and pins.
Just a Man

Just a Man

A Chapter by Ennay

But when.. Does a comet become a meteor?
Passing Through

Passing Through

A Chapter by Ennay

What is time without change?


A Chapter by Ennay

30/90________________________You may have noticed a common theme with these songs.That actually happened by chance.My goal before the end of the day i..
My Goodbye

My Goodbye

A Chapter by Ennay

One day.. You'll hear what I'm saying.
Read This First

Read This First

A Chapter by Ennay

Yes, this is actually first. Read it anyway.
Read This After

Read This After

A Chapter by Ennay

Yes you read this one too. EXCEPT IT'S LAST.


A Book by Ennay

Some people are artists. Some, themselves, are art.


A Poem by Ennay

What is that simple life you want? Who is in it?