I slept like a baby and got up around 10:30.I finished talking with my ex on LINE about the day to meet up after I go back to Japan.From the way our t..
I woke up at 8 and bussed to the Second Cup to grab a coffee with Brenna.It has been in a while since I last had a chat with her, so it was really nic..
I attent a graduation ceremony for ELP students from 10 to 12.It reminded me about the days when I was taking Academic 5 two years ago.They looked hap..
I woke up at 8 and got ready for photo-shoot.I couldn't change makeup and hairstyle, but I think it's ok this is the way how I am.I went to school at ..
I went to the Second Cup nearby my school to meet up with Do woon.It has been in a while since I met her last time, we kept chatting for 2 hours from ..
I was supposed to do volunteering from 10 to 1, but my co-worker changed our plan and she took me around the museum because today was my last day to w..
Today was another date day for me and Rochel.In the morning, we decorated our tumbler from Starbuck's which we bought together.I realized I'm too perf..
I got up at around 9 and was seeing Rochel when she was getting ready for church because I was done study yesterday.I was taking my time to get ready ..
I woke up early to get ready for TOEIC exam, and headed for Zeller's to get healthy food for my brain.I got bunch of apples and a pack of strawberry, ..