A Risen Heroine. : Writing

It's Over

It's Over

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

The Last Letter For My Ex-Friend Before I Ended The Friendship.
A Misunderstanding.

A Misunderstanding.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

A misunderstanding there lead to pain.
This Is The Last Goodbye.

This Is The Last Goodbye.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

A poem to an ex friend.


A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

A poem for my bestfriend...
Let Me Escape.

Let Me Escape.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Take me away from this I want to escape from everything. I want to fly away From all of your problems I can’t handle them, I can’t k..
A whole new chapter

A whole new chapter

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

We started a chapter… I ended it, you wont accept it... This chapter is ended... why don’t you just accept it? You hurted me way too mu..


A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Everything I’ve been through is on top of my mind right now, when I saw my mom cry infront of me, I knew somehthing was wrong, god damn wrong. ..
The darkness.

The darkness.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

The Darkness deep inside of me, is about to break out, I dont want it to take controle I want to fight against but I can’t do it without your he..


A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

I’ve started to doubt on myself.. am I the Sunshine as I were for a few years ago?Am I even who I am? Who am I? I’m lost, I’ve rui..