A Risen Heroine. : Writing

The Liar.

The Liar.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Look, everyone nods As they see what I do Yet inside I'm nothing Nothing at all. When I look at the mirror All I see is A Fallen Heroine Pretty on ..
The Helpless, The Worthless, A Fallen Heroine.

The Helpless, The Worthless, A Fallen Heroine.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

My granmother inspired me.. thanks granny.
A Piece Of Faith.

A Piece Of Faith.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Life ain't always easy Lord gives us complications Yet he knows it's tough. We gotta find the path Yet dark flames surrounds us We just..
The Same Old.

The Same Old.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Yeah it's all just the same old.
You Captivated Me.

You Captivated Me.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

A poem I wrote on me and Fallen's 1 month day
The Strength To Go On?

The Strength To Go On?

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

Sorry about the name I don't know what to name it..
Perfect Yet Cruel.

Perfect Yet Cruel.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.

I'll slaughter you You're not worth my tears Nor my thoughts. Your life Oh so f*****g perfect Yet you're killing others on the inside You f*****g b..