Alyssa Cranfill

Alyssa Cranfill


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Capron, VA
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About Me

The first time I ever wrote poetry was when I was seven. They say that the earlier you start, the better chance you have of being hundreds of times better by the time you're old enough to think philisophically.

The marriage of my parents is the one thing I will never forget. I say that because I was a little kid, perhaps four or five years of age, when the ceremony happened. Though many events of my past are now shrouded in my dark memory, I can still prominently recall sitting on the floor and looking up at my father's face. I wasn't scared at all. I knew something good was going to happen... even though I didn't know how to word it in my mind. :)

So why did I just tell you about that particular memory? You see, I don't have many memories of my birth father, but from what I've been told he wasn't a very good man. I've always felt there were several missing pieces between us, which is actually pretty obvious.

Anyways, back to writing. I started when I was seven, stopped for a while, picked it back up when I was eleven, dropped it again. By the time I was thirteen, I knew I'd spend the better part of my life creating worlds and people to inhabit them because I have always done this. I have a very vivid imagination.

That year, I met Jessica Cohen. We wrote a fanfic together for an anime that was rather popular at the time (and is still renowned!). Unfortunately, she and I stopped seeing each other so much once we got into high school; she decided to apply for the Governor's School for the Arts, a wise choice, and I stayed in public school. I probably could have gotten into the Governor's School, but back then I was unsure of what I wanted in life. What if it turned out that art was just an obsession? I didn't want that. Art is like the beautiful angel of a dream-- if you wake up, it'll stay a dream. But if you develop it on your own, you'll realize it, and it won't be just an idea anymore. And wouldn't you know it-- Jessica still has that huge binder with our story. That's our baby, and we're proud of it.

After I made my peace with the fact that I wouldn't see her as much, I entered that "teen angst" phase. You know what I mean. "The world is horrible... I can't take this anymore... growing up is the worst thing in the universe..." It was a demon that only I could fight.

Believe you me, I fought it. Sometimes, I tell myself a movie should be made about it: "Alyssa Destroys the Demon of Despair". (And wins, of course.)

But I gained many things from that brooding depression. Firstly, my strong love of poetry: without it, I don't suppose I'd write much of anything these days. Secondly, my fascination with vampires: I don't know what it is that's so attractive about a cursed being with fangs and a mad crush on the night, so I have completely twisted the world of said creatures! :D When I finally publish my first book, you'll see what I mean. Thirdly, I can attribute much of my dark humor to that period between Chapters 13 and 16 of my life.

My birthday is on June 12, 1989. I say that because at the time that I am writing this, my birthday is only a couple weeks away and I'll be 18! Then, four days thereafter, I'm graduating high school! You might not think it's much, but it's a sign that I'm finally getting somewhere in life.

With all that said... Keep out of my Realm and I won't tangle you up in a dreamcatcher. ^_^ Cheers!

Grunge Angel at

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Posted 17 Years Ago

how are you doing?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for your review of In Our Dreams. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Awesome! thank you!! I appreciate it, and I cant wait to read it! ;)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you so much for the review. i really did have a clear image in my head... like the one you get when you leave a boyfriend you have been trying to wash out of your veins for so long and you finally made it....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for your review of Refracted. I never thought about a book of poetry on that theme....thanks

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, it's easier to find a diamond in a donkey's a*s that a man who wanst to stand the test onf time regarding love...this I know. SIGH*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, but where is MY MAN??????

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for reading Crucible.. i apprecaite your thoughts anfd time in reading.

I hope you are well.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the review on "Be Scene." It was a stupidly fun piece to write as this poor girls life just spiralled out of control, and in the end she lost even herself. I'm glad you enjoyed it.