8petallotus : Writing

The Inner Thoughts Leak Out

The Inner Thoughts Leak Out

A Poem by 8petallotus

This is more of a spoken word piece that came to me one morning in the mists of a crisis. Some beautiful writing can be the product of some really mes..
The Concept of One Love

The Concept of One Love

A Poem by 8petallotus

I desire you to see me as I see me To know me as I know me To understand me as I understand me To walk in my shoes To see through my e..
Past Life Love Poem

Past Life Love Poem

A Poem by 8petallotus

This is a poem that I wrote about a man who gave me a sense of a past life that I loved.


A Poem by 8petallotus

A walking poem I composed while I was over tired wondering around Meijer late at night
Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale

A Poem by 8petallotus

This is an older poem from last year. I became slightly obsessed with the idea of a famme fatale, and was reading a lot of Anais Nin


A Poem by 8petallotus

I'm picking up the pieces of my lifeand putting them back together.Many are scattered and lostharder still is to find an adhesive strong enough.I long..
The Quest for the Golden Owl Moon Part One

The Quest for the Golden Owl Moon Part One

A Chapter by 8petallotus

This is the beginning of the first story about Princess Griffin
The Adventures of Princess Griffin

The Adventures of Princess Griffin

A Book by 8petallotus

This is a tale based on two people very near and dear to my heart, who go on a quest to save the city of Detroit. Its kind based on very nerdy humor a..


A Poem by 8petallotus

A poem from an anxiety attack