vanila bean

vanila bean


don't tell me skys the limit when there is already a footprint on the moon"

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About Me

I love reading books and I love to write stories. My passion is poetry I love to read books and write stories I love to run that is my secret I seek to change the world people's mind all my life I have been bullied but I finally spoke out found my voice I seek to inspire other girls and women I seek to find an organization called find a way I intend to help people of the world I use writing to tell the world about my experiences their are only a few things about me you need to know one I was bullied two I am mixed and want to change three despite everybody's hatred and bitterness I rose above it my favorite color is blue my favorite food is French fries my dream job is to be a motivational speaker a model and a social activist If you are reading this I hope you will remember their are no limits only those we choose to set ourselves be careful what you say to people words wrinkle as one famous poet once said they will forget who you are what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel if you are in the dark their is always light never forget who you are have courage and strength never give up never surrender never fall prisoner to your own heart sincerely the girl one day everyone will know! :)


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey. That's really good. We need to talk tomorow. I'm in a. Tough spot now. Idk what to do. We will talk tomorrow. If I'm not too sad to talk

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Quote of the Day:Can you go the distance? When you can't ever go the mile? Whats the meaning of a name? A name means who you are what you have become a name is telling the world in which if you can go the distance or only the mile! :) vb,

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hello world Quote of the day:People use to ask me What I am mixed with they said are you this and that race everybody who ask me I would say you really want to know what race I am I am the human race so is every person in this world no matter of color for this world is blind!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hello everyone I am back so can everyone read and comment on my poems? Please give me feedback do not be afraid to friend me!