People don't understand change, they really don't. What human on this Earth doesn't change? Answer that and I'll change back to the nicer human I once..
They say the difference between the runner and the lover is that the runner runs away from emotions and the lover tries everything to bring the runner..
Theres truth that comes out of a pretty blondes girls mouth, then there's the lies that are either to protect her or the ones she loves. Like the colo..
I'm not going to tell you who I am,I will tell you what I'm able,What I'm capable,What I can do,Which isn't usually you,I'm as strong as the say,Can o..
Nobody really understand what its like to be a creative writer, its a passion only self taught. There's a trigger that causes the creativity, mine sta..
I think I feel for you, not because of your looks, but because of your smile, and your eyes. Those blue goddamn eyes, I'm the biggest sucker for those..
I don't know why I have this pounding head ache. I don't understand it either. It hurts a lot. Some days I can barely see straight because it hurts so..
As the days go by I wonder if I will ever find you standing at my door step in the pouring rain. Holding flowers saying "You are my one, my only, my l..
Would you run miles for a loved
one? If you found out they were shot, at the hospital almost dead. Would you? I
You can't just accept it, feeling the sadness constantly. You can walk around with the biggest smile but on the inside, deep in your heart, you feel ..