The winds upon our faceAs we run towards the sun,Our laughter trails behindLike a singing ribbon blownOn the green and dancing sea,While the distant l..
The house contains Hidden mirrored darknessAnd velvet vagueEchoes within echoes, wantingDesperatelyTo be remembered.Eyes within eyesI can see,Over my..
Through my mirror,Burnished copper dragonfliesWith ruby laser eyesThat talk to meIn binaryThat registersBut fleetingly,Their colours meltUpon the floo..
It is Summer, and yet Winter’s chill still remainsA cloak of deep darkness is wrapped round my heartAnd sometimes in my moments, my spirit compl..
Where are we going, and where have we beenThrough some past perpendicular surreal scene,Or some place where the heavens are scattered in grey?It seems..
In between glances the contact is suchAs a soul to a soul or a fingertip touch,Like eyes in the moonlight that tremble the skiesOr a dream that stops ..
Come back to me once againOn the merest glimpse of evening’s aspirationsWhen the darkness carries all of my sublimely painted essences of you,An..
The sky was navy blue brocadeEntangled in cloud strands of greyAnd once there bloomed the flowers of dawnThat gave their fragrance to each day,While d..
When the day turns to gold and the clouds creep awayA..
Hush hung from the morning’s timeA sleepy half awakened rhymeComposing ever onward linesOf oh so intricate designs,Those whisper wafted perfumed..