annie lee : Writing



A Poem by annie lee

age-old debate: remember Harry and Sally arguing about this?
Coke or Pepsi?

Coke or Pepsi?

A Poem by annie lee

another old blog entry, converted to verse
who's got my shoe?

who's got my shoe?

A Poem by annie lee

I have a lot of vignettes I blogged while I was working up in Silicon Valley or while I was a slave to the DoD. Reworking 'em.
what we need

what we need

A Poem by annie lee

rengo -- tanka: I am not bound to any canon, but I truly believe in reverence.
ahh, the dance

ahh, the dance

A Poem by annie lee

mating ritual preps on a Friday night in San Jose gridlock
always wondering

always wondering

A Poem by annie lee

40 years of marriage is a two-way education. it is a wonder he puts up with me. rengo, tanka


A Poem by annie lee

the road of life and all its wonders and terrors
beautiful places

beautiful places

A Poem by annie lee

rengo -- ah, the places i've been -- it is all poetry
caw caw

caw caw

A Poem by annie lee

outside my former office window, crows would congregate on the oaks everyday about 4pm, a murder of crows and an atonal recital. tanka


A Poem by annie lee

damn. what a damned shame hindsight is so good.