annie lee : Writing

downhill racer

downhill racer

A Poem by annie lee

metaphor for passion, rough work in progress
haiku 10

haiku 10

A Poem by annie lee

a late snow falling on tender spring time blossoms: pink, though come morn, black


A Poem by annie lee

dancing with the muse

dancing with the muse

A Poem by annie lee

counting syllables, measuring meter, seeking rhymes obscure, arcane, chasing words through the forests, mountains and green meado..
a little cynicism

a little cynicism

A Poem by annie lee

a little reflection on the insulting junk mail, invasive phone calls and other demeaning stuff that gets foisted on the public; a rengo


A Poem by annie lee

It is amazing. The years are like smoke, wispy clouds and vapor trails. I am older, yet I do not always feel old. I am more free, y..


A Poem by annie lee

nothing like a night where the snow is coming down in white swirls and great fluffs of snowflakes, nothing like that deep ..
my place

my place

A Poem by annie lee

Monterey, Alta California
losing track of the magic

losing track of the magic

A Poem by annie lee

I thought I could make it all happen. I thought I could make magic from my dreams. I thought I could spin a cloth of such brillia..
unwelcome companion

unwelcome companion

A Poem by annie lee

lupus -- n., autoimmune disease, from the French, “like a ravening wolf” Thirty years mark our path together, unwelcome signs ..