About Me
I'm not really good at talking about myself. I honestly haven't done much with my life, generally isolated from normal people's everyday activities becoming incredibly anti social through out the years. It hasn't been all bad with isolation comes a bursting increase to my imagination and process of thought as i generally have time to think and ponder more then the normal human being. With this boundless imagination, i've come to enjoy writing and creating stories for it gives me something to do daily. As i've grown up i've been incrdibly addicted to video games, but not just any video games, games with an intense or gripping story. I wasn't like the kids today who don't care about any story in their games and just want to get straight to the action. I always enjoyed things like Mass Effect, and Dragon age, basically anything by Bioware. They've are my idol when it comes to gripping stories in games, or just gripping stories in general. I've never been a big comedy fan, although i do enjoy stupid things like southpark and futurama because each show tends to reel me in regardless of how dumb and sometimes uncreative the shows can get. (The writers are just that amazing!) I'm a drama guy all the way. my favorite T.V shows are The Walking Dead, (even though it's dropped in quality over the seasons.) and Breaking Bad. (Which in my opinion stayed good all the way to the finale, Vince Gilligan is a bloody genius!) With the story i'm writing currently, i really want to focus on character development. I really took a few notes from the Walking Dead back in it's glory day. although my story may be similiar to The Walking Deads, being they are both a zombie drama based around character development and human survival; they really coudn't be any diffrent from the direction and twists I plan to add in that with hope, you'd never see comming. Well, I have to say this actually felt pretty good. I do hope you enjoyed reading, and I also hope you enjoy my book as i update it as regularly as possible. Thank you for the time, and i'd more then welcome any constructive feedback. -Trevor.Poynter