it's just popped into my head.
Hypocrisy’s embedded in our society, Everyone lies, Everyone cheats. "‘Don’t lie’ is for everyon..
How do i describe this feeling?Will i ever dare?If i describe it,Will ne1 care?All these ppl surround me,And tell me that they love me.But is ne of it..
Stormy, stormy wind, stormy, stormy wind.What have you done to me?Waltz in like it's just to see me,Like I'm your oldest friend.Then you proceed to ri..
I plead with you,Please see me.See what I'm trying to be.Set me free.I plead wth you,Save me.Coz if f you can't,Who will?I plead with youOn bended kne..
How do you know it's love?If push comes to shove,Does it soar?Does it lift you from the floor?How do you know it's right?If it's fight or flight,Does ..
People who surround youMay mislead and deceive you,Don masks one after another, after each one.Amidst this deceit,I'll be the shoulder you can cry on...
It's 2:00am at nightMind's burring with no respite,Trying not to cry,But losing the fight.But when submission takes determination's place,There aren't..
Our minds, our eyes,See only what they are shown,Think only what they've been taught to think,And that seems to be all that we share,Our one remaining..
Every poet writes one poem,about any given theme.THAT poem garners them fame,andfulfils their every dream.They then attempt to replicate,THAT which ma..