I like guns. I like coffee. I like to blow s**t up. This is all metaphorical. I don't like guns. I have never made an explosion of which was different than one of the human mind.
I'm Rachelle. I'm eighteen. and I'm just one of those aesthetically focused girls who require spell-check, and doesn't take anything seriously, yet puts up this poetically inferior block constantly.
In my writings, you'll find a lack of style, a lack of organization, a blow up of words that only tie together loosely. If anything, in my life, I have learned not to be a perfectionist. There is nothing about my life that even requires the least bit of order, and I am really impulsive. That is reflected in all of my art. My photography, my writings, my collages. I am quite the mess. I really don't have a problem with myself like I used to. My insecurities have sort of blended themselves into a levelheadedness, but I try my damnedest not to show it.