beautiful dreamer

beautiful dreamer


im back after extended leave!

Garrett, IN
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About Me

Hey there stranger nice to meet you!

First off my real name is Jen. Short for Jenny which is short for Jennifer. All you Jennifer’s out there know how it is :P

I love to dance. I danced at a studio doing all the classic stuff (ballet Jazz hip hop etc etc) from the time I was 3 or 4 to grade seven. Now I am head dance captain of my school show choir Rhythm Connection. I was part of the mixed choir (ENCORE) for two years prior to this year, but since we’re brought back the girls group I was chosen to be the dance captain/leader. What an honor to lead such a terrific legendary group!

random insert. alot of these are show choir things i say so i decided to put it here, stealing ideas from jamie bear :P

Jenny catchphrases

I just don’t understand!
Hit it! (show choir)
Facials! (show choir)
Ooooh YAY! (all the time, usually in show choir)
Oh yaah (show choir)
That’s funny
I said no!...GOD! (show choir bus trips, inside joke go ahead. ask about it.)
AYE! (show choir)
boom shaka laka
I’m okay! (im clumsy okay?!)
Oops...never mind! (get it from my mom)
Whoop dee diddle do dah day
Hey girl hey!! (show choir)
I know I’m tall.

Seeing I’m a part of a CHOIR I think it’s probably obvious that I sing. I’m not music discriminant. I listen to everything, even screamo (I tolerate it, depending on the song). But my main scene is country music. I like country music cause I’m an out in the sticks surrounded by cow pastures girl raised on country air. But like I said I love ALL music being a singer.

Speaking of being an out in the sticks girl, I also love horses. Their such intelligent animals and companions and they’re so much fun! Better than a goldfish. I rode horses for awhile, taking lessons at a stable in town, but they had to move for financial reasons and I couldn’t follow, so I had to give it up. I loved riding though, and I still go for the occasional trail ride at our local state park. (sometimes they even have me lead the pack or rear the pack since I’m experienced and I know the trail by heart XD)

I think it’s pretty obvious I love writing. Love it. always have always will. And I love reading. My favorite author is Sarah Densen and my favorite book is Flowers for Algernon.

I’m a junk food junkie and I can’t resist Oreos. And don’t get me started on pudding. Any kind of pudding, all pudding, every pudding, No pudding left behind. I love few worldly things more than pudding. Nah I’m kidding. But I do love pudding. I also have a love for yogurt and other dairy products. But I also run and dance to keep myself from becoming a junk food fattie, cause who wants that on their name I mean really?

I’m kind of a loner here in my hometown. I have a few friends but not a huge group. Probably cause I’m kind of shy. But once you get to know me I’ll talk your ear off. which is probably why I don’t have many friends, I talk to much XD oh well people are people and you can’t please everyone. But once you my friend you’re always my friend and I gotcha back sister/bro! but I stay neutral in co-friend arguments.

I guess I should mention my height. I’m 6’1”. People tell me I should model but even though I kinda would like to too, but the career is too unstable and unhealthy. I don’t want to change who I am to be on the cover of a magazine people read in the bathroom you know? So I’ll just be taking pics of myself and strutting down the aisles of Walmart like a boss and pretend I’m a model :P

Also I should mention I’m really forgetful sometimes and I have ADD. Attention deficient disorder. Or I’m one track minded. I could be talking about something totally serious like a shooting or something then jump into a story about rabbits. It’s bad I know, but you get used to it.

Hmmmm lets see. My top five friends on here in order must be….(I may go off order of my list forgive me my whole top ten are important but I’d like to keep this short)

Jamie Cook- my fellow dancer! Except she’s pro over there in jersey. Everything I wish I could be. Also a great writer and a sweetheart. Fun to no end you never get bored talking to Jamers. Like seriously the girl’s a hoot. What else is there to say about this gal? hmmmm let’s see she’s uber nice, loveable, funny, a little crazy in a good way, and all around just a great person. Love her to the moon and she knows it :) check her out :) my piglet my jamie bear my fellow dancer if you reread this sometime i loves you you is my bestie

N o o d l e h e a d: Oh my little Scottish noodle poodle. She’s such a sweet tender- hearted person, if you don’t know her already on here, shame on you. Plus her poems are to die for. I love my angel hair to pieces

Frieda P: Margarita! I love this lady she’s like my second mother and she’s the most amazing writer you’ll find behind the famous ones like Shakespeare and Poe and Frost and all those classics. She’s a lot of fun and a good gal to talk to when you need advice. I love her like she’s family. And she has so many pics of me her sons think she’s adopted me so she might as well be! Ya’ll are all part of my heart family but this lady is the matriarch!

Nora Duncan: what a crazy good writer guys! She’s a great novelist and she is sooo young. Well only a few years younger than me but I’m only a teenager myself so you get me. Like seriously she can out write me in five minutes. And she’s a total sweetheart and a cutie. She’s been through a lot, but somehow she just keeps powering through and I find her to be one of the strongest bravest people I know. She’s the little sis I’ve never had! I love my sissy!

C.c. Marx: we are totally twins. like alot of the stuff she's been through i've been through too, in almost the exact same way exempt from a few minor details. so she's my new heart sister (one of my many) my heart twin!!! i love you girl and you are so worth it, don't let anybody tell you different! mwah mwah mwah!

Okay back to me. you can call me whatever you want but I figure I’ll give you a few popular nicknames…

Jen Jen
Jen Ren
Nay nay
Peaches/mo mo
Pudding cup
Tall one
Miniskirt (don’t ask)
Jenny Penny
Jenny Lynn
Jenni Benni

Well that’s me, great meeting you, sorry for length :P message me sometime, tell me about YOU!


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hope you feel better soon.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Either way, blech.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Really? That sucks! I'm sorry. :( How did you catch it?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

REALLY tired.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hi! :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hey. :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thanks. :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

we have provinces lol

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Lol I know. I just changed it again. XD It's something new, I guess. Idk if I'm gonna keep it yet.

[send message]

Posted 10 Years Ago

welcome back! i will 10000000% be sure to read the new stuff as soon as i can :)