Hannah Nicole Stogner

Hannah Nicole Stogner


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Columbia, MS
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About Me

Hai, I'm Hannah.I believe in things that others would definitely find unbeliveable. My imagination is broad.I am single at the moment.I believe that what's meant to be will always find it's way. Most of the time, I hate sleeping.. I'm definitely not down for any type of animal cruelty.My mind is constantly at warp speed, overthinking every possible situation. I'm in love with self expression. I love eye contact, unless I'm uncomfortable around you. I'm always up for making new friends. I'm paranoid of failure, and almost always thinking of bad outcomes. I'm young, 14 to be exact. Age bothers me, especially when I'm talked down to because of it. I think i see everything in a more detailed perspective. My maturity level is much higher than most at my age. I take my camera everywhere, so always be prepared to have your photo taken! I enjoy taking photos of anything that catches my attention. I almost always have my headphones in, I'm not antisocial, I just love music. I hope I come off as a nice person, cause that's all I intend on being. My favorite drink is Lemon Lime Powerade. I don't party, obviously. I'm not really shy when it
comes to anyone, but extremely socially awkward. I'm the kind of girl who gets along with her brothers and
sisters better than her friends. I take pride in my dweeby/dorkiness. I try my best not to ever have a cool moment,Just dorkiness. I say sorry a
lot. I don't agree with any abuse to your body, like taking drugs, drinking, smoking, stuff like that. Everybody has problems, everyone
needs attention, everybody needs love, but don't ever come to the ending result of hurting yourself, life always has a second outlet, but you have to figure it out what makes you happy and fulfills you in life. I am in the marching band. I play five instruments. Clarinet, piano, guitar, flute, and sax. I love art, and science. I write, and read poetry. I'm in love with it. I dance, a lot. I fall in love everyday. No, not with people. With nature, a new song, a dance, a photo, a painting, a poem.Yes, sometimes people, too. I love chapstick. I love Banana Laffy Taffy. Love me, hate me, or in between you're entitled to your own opinion about me and I wont hate you for ever speaking your mind. I don't like being around people who are self conscience, your life isn't going to get any better by moping around about your looks, if you don't think you are beautiful then you're, obviously, ignorant. Everyone is beautiful, in their own special way. I speak my mind, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I think I do sometimes. But, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. I can be the stupidest, the smartest, the funniest, the nicest, or the meanest person you know. I am honestly, much different than any person you will ever meet. Get to know me?