Qatari Twins aged 17-year-old lose 110 kgs after Bariatric Surgery in Bangalore

Qatari Twins aged 17-year-old lose 110 kgs after Bariatric Surgery in Bangalore

A Story by Lacey Alvarez

Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery India can save you from Obesity which leads to more health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obstructive sleep apnea.


BENGALURU: 17-year-old twins from Doha, Qatar, underwent bariatric or weight loss surgeries in Bengaluru (previously Bangalore) to tackle their overweight issue as each twin weighed close to 110 kgs (242 lbs).

The twins, Abdul Hamad and Abdul Nasser, had their operation on Monday at the Gleneagles Global Hospitals, Richmond Road. Dr. G. Moinoddin, the consultant and advanced laparoscopic surgeon performed the surgery and said that the weight of the twins will be reduced by 40-45 kgs (88-99 lbs) in one year. The weight loss surgery that the boys had underwent is called laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy which involves removal of a large portion of the stomach leaving but a tube-like structure for a stomach that makes it small enough for the food intake to be restricted.

The brothers Nasser and Hamad each weighed 110 kgs (242 lbs) and 108 kgs (237.6 lbs) respectively. The BMI (body mass index) of a normal human is supposed to be in the range of 19-25, but the BMI of the twins were an alarming 40. Due to the morbid obesity, the twins had become inactive and lost the ability to run as well. This state of physical inabilities left their parents in a state of worry.

Looking into the medical history of the twins revealed that they were moderately built up till the age of 12. Somewhere around the ages of 12 to 17 years, the twins stopped eating healthy homemade food and snacked on unhealthy items like burgers, pizzas and fizzy drinks. Despite being active, both of them suffered from social isolation at their study place. Another distressing factor for the parents’ worry was the possibility of metabolic diseases in the twins’ future.

They had tried to become active by diligently participating in sports such as football, but failed to continue as their weight did not allow them to run. “Apart from genetic factors, poor diet, lack of physical activity & more screen time, unhealthy scanning and psychological problems like depression may usually be responsible for obesity in children. But the presence of a genetic factor in the twins’ case did not seem apparent as their parents and siblings were not obese” said Dr. Moinoddin.

The mother of the boys Amaal Ali Alshemairy, accompanied them to Bengaluru and said that she became worried when the boys started to gain more weight after the age of 12. “Health complications like blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases were the major causes for my concern. We wanted to tackle the obesity issue as soon as possible” said Amaal.

After seeing a friend lose weight gradually, who at the point was 136 kg at the age of 16, after a successful bariatric surgery in Bengaluru recently, the twins decided to undergo the same treatment with same team and hence opted to undergo the surgery in Bengaluru as well.

“The twins have been advised to lower their intake of sugar, sweet, chocolate and bakery items completely. They will have to walk for at least one hour every day. They have also been suggested to join the gym to regain some muscle strength” said Dr. Moinoddin.

The parents and the boys were counselled to adapt to a better and healthier lifestyle.

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© 2019 Lacey Alvarez

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