A Strange Bug Family

A Strange Bug Family

A Story by Ice QueenJen

This is a tale about a bug family that is quite happy living in a home where the Father loves and plays the Beatles music all of the time.




In a quiet village in the North of London, there lived a happy family. It was during the late 60's, so they were all into the new group called ' The Beatles', which the Father was playing their music incessantly! It there was a way to listen to this band while travelling he would, but that sort of technology wasn't yet invented. Oh sure they had radios in cars, yet none of the stations played that kind of music. Like it was forbidden like it was against the law, or 'the church' was behind it.

So once Hubert got home from work, he would crank up this new groups music on the Hifi, or for those who don't know that is what they called a record player. Unbeknownst to him, many of the bugs living in and around their modest home packed up and left because of the music he was playing. All but one lone bug �" called ' a beetle' going by the name George Paul, and his wife, one Eleanor Rigby. Now at this time they had no children (or baby bugs), but soon an addition to this family came and it was a girl whom they named, “Penny Lane.” In llight of George's love for the band, he only saw it was fitting to name her after one of the bands songs they sang; which the mother very highly concurred with!

Also, being the only bug family to tolerate the blaring music; plus they had the runof the basement and inner workings of this modest house. They lived like royalty with having so much of everything, George and Eleanor soon had another offspring. A boy this time, and George had no qualms about what to name him. Like a royal pronouncement, he exclaimed “ We shall call him ' Humphrey Jude, or H. Jude for a shortened version. His mother again wholeheartedly agreed; and while looking down she smiled saying to the bundle of joy, ' Hey Jude'. Mainly because Humphrey Jude was such a long name to say.

As time went on the family grew to love the music being played by the family. George took to scouring the house while the occupants were gone, finding little trinkets about the band so he set them up on a makeshift fireplace mantle the Beetle family had. And just like the human family loved the Beatles music, so did these crazy creatures. In fact, no sooner had their 2nd child turned 2, Eleanor had delivered another girl! Of course Eleanor was given the royal duty of naming her, which wasn't to hard since she named the girl after her favorite song �" Strawberry Fields! Her big sister Penny doted over her new little sister, while helping her mom with different chores around their house. Without any worries that some other bug family or predators would be moving in and disturbing the peace they had.

It wasn't long before Eleanor had another child �" another boy! George knew he wanted to name one of his boys after the drummer of the band, 'Ringo.' Yet struggled on wht other names he would have, so he pondered while walking from room to room and while standing in front of the bands poster. Then pacing back and forth in front of the shrine. After a few hours he finally decided on a second name for what may be his last child since Eleanor was getting a bit old for anymore children. So he walked the long hallway with regal pride, and after entering the room he exclaimed “ I got nothing, I can't simply think of another name to go with 'Ringo'. I mean he is one great drummer, and it is such a powerful name. Also since he may be our last, as you know you're no spring chicken, so to speak Eleanor.

Penny popped up asking “ you mean mom might die soon?”

George said in answer, “ No, no it's just that more to the fact her bug baby days may soon be over.”

Strawberry chimed in, “ That's good, because no offense mom but you are old looking.”

Penny hit Strawberry, a fit ensued until Humphrey stepped in between the girls, then yelling, “stop fighting now!”

The baby started crying, and the whole family turned to look at Ringo. He looked so adorable that they all said in unison “ ahhhh.”

At which he stopped his crying, because he knew that he was the center of their attention. As he grew he noticed whenever his brother and sisters began to fight, all he had to do is start crying. But after awhile they soon took notice of what he did. So to keep him occupied his dad made a little drumset, just like the one the real human Ringo had. He also had him listen to the beting of the drums until he could mimic the exact sound. Thus it stopped him constantly crying when his stubborn siblings fought with each other. No sooner had they began, he would pick up his drumsticks and start his playing. Not only did it stop their fighting, but gave Ringo a new avenue to pursue, and he was great just like his namesake. It caused George to beam with pride over the fact his son could play as well as the human on the records they heard everyday.

One day the family upstairs had a teenage daughter that decided she liked harder sounding music. The kind that soon grated on the nerves of the rest of the family, but the bugs living in the basement. Eliza took to dressing in black, wearing chains and her voice got deeper. She'd even hardly said anything, except 'that's rad' or mumbling her disgust in what her parents were saying. She would storm off to her room, and while doing her homework she'd crank up the music that she liked.

George Paul complained “ Man oh man, why does she like that horrid music? Can't her parents contain her, she has radically changed since she started listening to that garbage?”

Eleanor just shrugged her bug shoulders, while getting lunch ready for them.

Soon Ringo piped in saying “ Let me speak for those who aren't into one kind of music. That girl Eliza is trying to find her own identity, her music tastes are not like her fathers. It seems to me that she likes a harder, edgier kind of music. There are all kinds of music apart from the Beatles, Dad. Some may not be to your liking, there are those that do. So try not to bash her likes opposed to yours, times change, so must music even though you will always love the Beatles.”

George Paul replied, “ When did you get so wise son? You are correct on all counts, even about my preference in music. I just wish she wouldn't play her music so loud. You know it's grating on my nerves, and I'm sure her parents feel the same way.”

Strawberry came up, and said “ you know dad, unlike Penny and I, Eliza will leave her home and venture out into the vast world. So be patient, soon peace will return up there and be rocking the Beatles music!”

George just sat in quiet contemplation at the the thought of this fact. Then all sat down to eat the lunch Eleanor placed before them. They ate while the booming music coming from Eliza's room shook the whole house. So they bided their time, yet George secretly cringed as her music boomed loudly.

© 2018 Ice QueenJen

Author's Note

Ice QueenJen
No picture yet, but enjoy the story!

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Added on January 2, 2018
Last Updated on January 2, 2018


Ice QueenJen
Ice QueenJen

Bakersfield, CA

Not only am I a woman, but a mother, friend, and hopefully the best person I could be. I have begun to broaden my horizons and get into writing poetry. But I also am an artist, and I am trying my ha.. more..

Gods? Gods?

A Poem by Ice QueenJen