

A Poem by ghaw2007


Verse 1

I know you're a homo

I know you've been infected with AIDS

I know you're the slu-ttiest piece of a-s-s from here to L.A.

I know you're a narky

I know you're addicted to that white stuff

I also know you will never be loved 

Not the way that you want to be

Outrage, out rage

If you see a man in a dress

What's the first thought that enters your mind?

Do you want to laugh at him?

Or congratulate him for his confidence?

Would it bother you if his jeans were tighter

Than the one's in a female's closet?

God forbid if he wore make-up

You'd want to bash his head in with unusual force

Verse 2

If you see a bulldag-g-e-r's brea-s-t-s during a pride parade

Would you want to suck on them?

Or would you want to cut them off with a sharp knife?

If she displays a stance

Which is uncharacteristic to what's between her legs

Would you want to soften her up?

Or lay her down on your bed for corrective treatment?

Outrage, out rage

Pink is for girls and blue is for boys

If you get those colours mixed up

You should speak to a psychiatrist

Opposites attract

But if they don't, they will certainly clash

Causing a wave of dysfunction

That will drown anything in its path

Verse 3

Party until the club is closed

Then wrap a towel around your waist

Get down on your knees

And do whatever it is you like to do

Turn the lights off and position your backside

To the front of the door

All strangers are welcome

This is how you experience a bit of joy

Outrage, out rage

Campaign for the tricksters

Teach it in the classrooms while they're young

If you disagree with the plan in place

Then you know where you can go

Disapproval will not be tolerated

Discuss it among yourselves or hush your mouths

The future is what we've made it to be

We'll never return to days of invisibility


If you lack shame

Then there will be no outrage

And if you have outrage

Then there will be tremendous shame

Conflicts need both ends of a spectrum

And both ends of a spectrum need a desirable middle ground

Lack of compassion and understanding

Renders you incapable of not surrendering to outrage

Outrage, out rage

Written by B. (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)

Copyright 2015

© 2015 ghaw2007

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Added on July 25, 2015
Last Updated on August 13, 2015



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A Poem by ghaw2007

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A Poem by ghaw2007