![]() Firestar * Language warning*A Story by MotleyMelly![]() Somewhere in the 1980's, the band Firestar began their rise to fame,gaining friends of all sorts. When bassist, Ramiro, is accused of a crime he did not commit, how will the band cope with their loss?![]() The Starstreamer Stars were like Motley Crue and the Georgia Sattelites had a baby. They were a group of Texas boys who knew how to rock. They were also the inspiration for an aspiring group of youngsters... Ramiro Alvarez, a bass-playing, blue-loving young man who had a mind that could see many ideas that others couldn't believe. He came from a somewhat poor hispanic family, and was raised with a twin brother, as well as two older sisters, and a much older brother. He started playing when his strict father decided his twin brother was stronger and could help him work a bit better, while Ramiro tended to be somewhat weak and sickly. Ramiro, though, was an absolute sweetheart, and despite his tender age, worked hard to care for what he had. He'd gone to college for music, right after high school, but hadn't had much luck in careers. He didn't treat it as a surprise, but he also never quit dreaming. Tia Longmont, the drummer, was a very tall African-American woman, with stunning green eyes. She'd come from a family who was rumored, mainly by very old family stories, to be descended from fae. This was commonly stated, due to their green-thumbs and bright eyes, yet dark skin. She had been seeing Ramiro for quite some time, and had decided that her tough beats matched up with his sweet bass. Needless to say, she towered over her boyfriend, standing at a whopping 6'10", while he stood at 6'2". Some found her to be an oddity, or, sometimes, a giantess. But over time, she'd learned to embrace it. Vincent Firestar, the singer, had an abusive past. Perhaps it was his pretty voice? Or the way his body seemed to curve like a beautiful woman's. Either way, there was nothing of the abuse that he deserved. Except for maybe the jealousy both men and women could get from looking at him. His own parents never even put him under their last name. They, instead, were too busy putting their cigarettes out on him while drunk. Though, a few times, he'd woken up to his father's tears and hung-over apologies. Or his mother's protective nature shining through, when he was harmed by other children. This made Vincent love his parents, nonetheless. They weren't the drugs and alcohol that they consumed. They were just poor souls trying to cope with... Who knew? Vincent sure had an odd sympathetic streak. Yet, he had a voice that could both scream out the heaviest metal, and sing a soft ballad right after. His stunning green eyes, tan skin, and blonde hair only added to his beauty. He looked very much like his mother. But not much seemed to be known about him... Finally, Mickunae Sramielle, the youngest member of the band... Micku was a mere fourteen years old, but could rip into six strings like no other. Though a sufferer of a rare bone disease that caused him to break like glass, his fragile frame did not stop him whatsoever. Micku never said much about himself, or why his ears were short and pointed. But if he stepped into a hot summer's day, he was like an air conditioner in himself. Tia found him, like destiny had meant for it, and taken a broken boy under her wing. Though only twenty-five years old herself, she managed to take good care of him... Needless to say, money was tight. The band lived together in a ratty, two bedroom apartment, using seventeen-year-old Vincent's car, while Vincent worked, trying to get through school. Ramiro, only twenty one, had to work two jobs. Tia, while taking care of Mickunae, worked. and Micku, too young to officially 'Work', often made a bit extra by playing in public. Somehow, though, they'd scraped up enough money to see their inspiration... Though, poor Ramiro was so tired... One day, he came home, excited! He held four tickets in his hands... "Vincent....? 'Ey, you home?" He'd call into the boys' room, where the two boys had made a makeshift bed out of pillows and their only blanket. They'd gotten pretty good at making pillow-forts. The blond woke from what seemed to be another sleepless night. Micku was probably in pain all night, and appeared to be out like a light. "... Ramiro...!" Vincent would quietly whisper, moving to hug the bassist. Vincent's hugs were always so warm. Ramiro always got a smile from them. Though they made him a bit sad, too. He knew Vincent's story... On this cold February day, though, he knew he was about to see the boy light up. He'd move his ombre, black and blue hair out of his face... "Vincent, come sit down with me... I've got something for you." Ramiro smiled. When Vincent came out to the kitchen and sat down at the table, Ramiro was hiding something behind his back, still dressed in his work clothes from the nearby truck stop... Even having gone through college, nobody seemed to want someone with a degree in music. Not surprising to Ramiro, though, it was his passion. Vincent sat, "What... What is it?" He asked, expecting bad news... but his eyes got a curious light as he saw a smirk cross the bassist's face. "Well, you know what was a few days ago, right?" Ramiro would ask, as if implying something... "My... Birthday?" Vincent looked confused. Ramiro nodded, "Close your eyes and stick your hands out." he'd grin. Vincent, who now had butterflies in his stomach, did as he was told. He was handed something... paper? He'd open his eyes, and read the papers... tickets... Backstage pass...? The boy almost screamed out of excitement!!! He quickly jumped back into hugging Ramiro! The bassist chuckled, excitement building up in himself, "Happy birthday, my friend!!" Vincent stammered, "Are-...Are you for-real!? Will we be able to eat this month!!?" The Starstreamer Stars... Wow!!! And... To meet them!! Vincent was almost out of breath!!! Ramiro smiled, "I got a raise at one of my jobs in December, and I didn't say anything, because I wanted to surprise you guys!... Looks like saving up was totally worth it." Vincent, who was speechless just had to run and tell Tia and Micku. Micku, of course, came out grumbling something about coffee, until it hit him. His ears would perk, moving his jet-black hair, and he'd break into a squeal, which he tried to cover, whilist bouncing lightly on his feet. "Easy, Micku!" Vincent would warn, "Let's not have your toes break??" Micku would give him a smirk, "Oh, come on, I wear high heels. Bouncing a bit won't hurt me." Tia, who hadn't said anything yet, as she'd just come from the shower, and was wrapped in a towel, only looked at Ramiro in disbelief. The giantess came over, seemingly calm, before grabbing Ramiro's shoulders, shaking the marbles out of him, and squealing. She was a giant... literally and figuratively... fan. Planting a big smooch on her boyfriend, she'd only continue squealing and dancing around. Of course, the biggest member of Firestar had the biggest reaction... That's what brought them to the show... They waited for the meet and greet to begin. And oh, how impatiently they waited. Ramiro seemed to keep his calm, Micku and Vincent were bobbing like a bunch of bouys in a lake, and Tia was all butterflies. They were last in line, hoping to actually say something to the band... The Starstreamers were a group of quadruplets and their older brother. They were so different, yet definitely related. And what was inspiring to many, was the fact that they WEREN'T perfect... Milo, oddly pronounced 'Mee-low', aged twenty three, was known to be without a voice, but he was also a great designer... He was credited with designing all the stages, and costumes. He had skin almost as dark as Tia, with bright blue eyes that peirced the soul, and flaming red hair... Yes, naturally! Whoa! The quadruplets were, Mikio, the singer, TangMi, the drummer, Nash, the bassist, who occasionally got on other instruments, too, and Kiyoshi, the guitarrist. Mikio, who was confined to a wheelchair, had an amazing voice. Deep, normally, but he had no trouble reaching high notes. He had black hair and sky-blue eyes, with a light blue star tattooed on his right cheek. He often wore his long, long hair in a braid, with a few feathers and beads tied at the end. TangMi, who was probably the shortest of the brothers, had medium-brown, though scarred,as if he'd survived a fire, skin. He shared Milo's bright blues. His curly, brown hair was often down, and just past his shoulders. Though some fans swore up and down, he had strands that alternated colors. He had a dark blue star on his left cheek... He often wore these beat up overalls with no shirt, lots of cool jewellry, and usually, no shoes. Tia was bad about it, too. Maybe no-shoes was a drummer thing? Kiyoshi, who seemed to love the color pink and cowboy hats, had golden-blonde hair with obvious, flashy pink streaks in his curls. He often wore shades, and his love for his home-state showed on a tank-top he wore beneath his signature pink biker jacket. He was known as the more wild one, and was honestly fun to watch perform, or just make snarky comments in interviews. On his right cheekbone, he had a pink star. His bluish green eyes often made women swoon, as did his guitar! Nash was a bit different. A bit taller than Kiyoshi, but shorter than Mikio, he had stunning white eyes, with black and red hair. His star was located on the left cheekbone, and unlike his brothers, he was left-handed. A bit quiet, he actually had a very charming voice, and was known to be very humble. He usually was seen in a black cowboy hat, with all kinds of unique things hanging off of it, with his hair in a thick ponytail, braids down the sides of it and all through his hair. He was known to have just... a ton of hair! it was beautiful, though. Many wondered how he tamed those thick locks. He wore what looked to be a red top, lined with fishnet, and sparkly white chaps over his light blue jeans and dark blue cowboy boots. His bass-playing was totally a shock if one judged him by his country-boy looks... Though the boys, about 18, LOOKED very different, their faces were as if they were clones. They often were known to go off on the same train of thought. Ramiro knew that twins just... Worked that way sometimes. It happened, even if he and his brother didn't often get along. Ramiro got lost in thought, wondering what his twin was doing anymore, and lost track of the wait. As the four moved forward, nearly there, Vincent, Tia, and Ramiro all got chills up and down their arms. Looking to Micku, he had a glow about him. He was holding back an excited squeal as he suddenly clung to Vincent, who began fidgeting. Now unable to hold himself back, Ramiro began to bounce about a little, as well. He was hoping so bad, for Nash to sign his bass! ...Would it be awkward for another bassist to ask for that? Tia would grab his shouders, seemingly to comfort him, but she had been holding her own excitement in as well. And now that she could see just past the doorway, where people were getting pictures taken, she almost couldn't believe her eyes. She began to grip Ramiro's thin shoulders so tight it hurt a little. But Ramiro didn't mind. "How many of you?" the man at the door asked. When he got no response, he cleared his throat. Tia jumped! "Oh, er, four? Is that okay???" she asked. When the man looked to the quadruplets, Kiyoshi nodded, his eyes widening, as he got a grin. "Aw, hell, let em in!" he somewhat loudly exclaimed. The four went in, holding themselves in. But they got a little shy. Nash didn't seem to look out from under his hat. It was like he just knew. "You okay?" he asked, directed at Micku. "Y-Yeah, I-I... Eep...!" Micku would stammer, Nash bending to his level, and giving him a gentle, warm hug. This scared Tia a little, and made Micku gasp, but, no harm was done. Like Nash just somehow... knew. Micku seemed to calm, and... Nash smelled sooooooooo good! He didn't want to let go...! "You smell like.... " Micku started sniffing Nash, and listing everything he smelled. Nash looked a bit weirded out, but he did get a chuckle. "Sensitive nose ya got." "So, I may have heard y'all, I think. Yesterday, maybe?" Kiyoshi proclaimed, seeing the bass in Ramiro's hands. Ramiro looked surprised, "Wh-what??" Tang Mi chimed in, "Well, y' were kinda playing in an old ball-park... Did ya think nobody would hear ya?" Tia had to ask, "What were you guys doing all the way out there???" This produced a laugh from Mikio, "Well, darlin', if you gotta know, we ain't city boys. We couldn't really LEAVE the city, so we went to a quieter area, and Nasty-Nash over there," he smirked at Nash, who would look over and stick out his tongue, "happened to hear y'all. So we kept our distance, but looked. Y'all sound damn nice! We were hoping y'all would come, otherwise we'd track ya down." This got a nod from the other brothers, even Milo, who stood by their side. Tia and the others all looked a bit astounded. Vincent piped up, "But... I didn't see any limousines or tour-busses....?" Tang Mi this time spoke, crossing his arms, "Did ya see an old, blue Chevy pickup??" Vincent nodded, "Yeah... Wait, what were you guys doing in THAT??" which, of course, got a snicker from the brothers. "Well, I suppose we didn't make ourselves too obvious, but we bring that with us, so we DON'T have to drive a BIG a*s truck around... Just put it in the trailer... And go!" "Like... A Semi-Truck?" Tia now had to ask. This earned a nod from Mikio, "Who needs a tour bus when you can deck out a big-a*s truck?" Ramiro, who had been quiet, had to ask, now,"How do... You get in there???" He didn't mean to offend, and almost instantly felt bad for asking, but got a grin out of Mikio. At this, Tang Mi, Nash, and Kiyoshi, said in unison, "He's more of a monkey than he looks." The blond and the scarred one would look at each other. Nash wouldonly shake his head, "And again! This makes time number.... one hundred and four today!" "...... Dude, are you really counting this...???" Kiyoshi looked to Nash. Ramiro had to giggle, "My brother and I do that... It's like we know what the other is going to say." "Twins?" Kiyoshi asked, to get a nod. "Wrap it up, guys, you still have a show to prepare for." The bodyguard at the door finally said. "Ah, sorry." Tang Mi spoke. "Shall we get pictures and sign things and speak after the show?" he'd ask. Tia, Vincent, Micku, and Ramiro looked at each other. After the show???! After agreeing, the group did just that, the Starstreamers setting up a private meeting place, and giving the group of friends a special pin each, that looked like a hand-crafted doo-dad, but would let the security team know they were allowed in. The show couldn't seem to come soon enough. Though, now Tia and the boys weren't sure wether they were more excited for the show, or after the show! Ramiro went to put his signed bass in the trunk of the car, securely locking it. "Hot-damn... " He whispered to himself, body shaking in excitement. "... I gotta call Mama...!" he nearly squeaked, searching for a phone-booth in the area. When he called, he waited patiently, but got no answer... But, his parents had a voicemail system! Ramiro began excitedly babbling in Spanish, "Mama! Dad! You won't believe this, but maybe moving out to LA paid off! I- I- Oh, sweet heavens! The Starstreamer boys heard us playing and want to see us after the show! I don't know ENTIRELY what they want, but if it has to do with music, I-" Though Ramiro kept talking on his end, a finger gently pressed the 'erase' button, and a snicker went through the room. A tall, muscular man, who looked identical to Ramiro, save for the hairstyle and clothing, moved out of the room, twirling a machete, with a strange talent for it... Domingo, the twin brother... What was he doing...? Nobody else was home, and soon Domingo, too, left the house... The show rocked, the venue was filled with screaming fans almost all night! It had gotten a bit crazy in the front row, so Tia, to the dismay of people behind her, put Micku on her shoulders, Ramiro lifting the heavier Vincent. Luckily, it wasn't too rude of a crowd. Just drunk. Those behind them simply moved over a bit to see. With a cool display of pyrotechnics and shiny confetti, the band bidded the crowd a good night and plenty of 'em, after a full setlist, and before the curtain closed. It left Ramiro humming the song they'd played. He wouldn't sing, though. He couldn't sing to save his life. Tia and Ramiro, setting the boys down when the crowd dispersed enough, walked towards the stage, showed the pins, and were given dinner-plate eyes by the guards, whom helped them up onto the stage and behind the curtains. Another guided them to a quiet room where the band was relaxing in an air conditioner, Mikio having a drink of what looked to be water, but smelled like... Ooooo, yum. Nash was just relaxing with his eyes closed and his head back... At least he wasn't snoring!! Kiyoshi had some papers he was going through, and Tang Mi was there to greet them. Milo seemed to be out of the room for now. "Hey, y'all." The tuckered out drummer greeted, with a happy look in his eyes, "Am I glad to see y'all actually came." Tia smiled, "Well, why wouldn't we? Do you have any idea how ex-f*****g-cited we are??!" Ramiro laughed, "Tia...!" He'd pat her shoulder, "Sorry...!" This only got giggles out of the quadruplets. "No worries!" Nash chuckled, giving a smile, but keeping his eyes closed. "If we said we weren't guilty of it, we'd be lyin' dogs!" Kiyoshi then grinned, "So, I gotta question for y'all." When he had the attention of the four, he asked, "How in the HELL have y'all not been asked to open for anyone yet??" This question came as a bit of a surprise, and the group went silent, Nash finally breaking the silence with, "For serious! Y'all're some real talent! What do y'all call yourselves?" Vincent smirked a little, "Firestar. We're called Firestar." Mikio asked, "Where'd you come up with that?? I like it!It's like... Boom!" And the members of Firestar looked to Micku, who started, "Well, one day, I was sitting on the toilet, making fudge, and-" Tia coughed, stopping him, "Mickunae. Mickunae thought of it." Vincent added, "And since I had no last name, I went with it!" Ramiro quietly stood by, with a warm smile. Micku blurted, "Hey, it sounded better than what Ramiro was gonna call it! HE was gonna call it the Sirens! Like, reeeaaally, dude?" Ramiro softly chuckled and said, "Oi, I meant like... The mermaids? You know, Sirens!" but Micku,making everyone laugh, started going "WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO!!!" Ramiro rolled his eyes, "Gracias...!" then he laughed. He knew Micku was right. The Sirens did sound a bit like something that may sound bad. Kiyoshi would chuckle, "Oh good-god... Well, if we ever need any creative work done, we'll give Mickunae, here, a toilet and a notepad." "Oi!" Micku shouted, pretending to be offended. Of course, being a bunch of rockers.... The others all started chanting "Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!" And Mikio chimed in with his best "Cuz I'm TNT~!" which... He made a good AC/DC sound... Of course, the Firestar group couldn't turn down the offer to tour with the Starstreamers and open for them! They informed their bosses, and the school the boys went to... And off they went! The Starstreamers even let them ride on the 'tour bus' with them. Which was, in fact, a big eighteen-wheeler. Though it looked normal, in the cab there was plenty of space... The sleeper was like a tiny apartment... and it sported a bunk bed! The trailer was normal on the outside, though on the inside, it was like one of those motor-homes. lots of space, even one-way windows to let light in. The chevy was parked in the back, and had a ramp to get out, and the living area was split from the other bunk beds by curtains. It even had a little lavatory bathroom, a kitchen, places to store the instruments... Ramiro and Vincent went to get the Firestar instruments, Kiyoshi and Nash following in the pickup. When entering the apartment building, Nash sniffed the air and winced. Kiyoshi would grab onto his brother. Ramiro questioned as Nash grabbed the stair rail, "Is he okay?? There's nothing to be afraid of. Just a bunch of stoned kids who think they're tough s**t." This got a sheepish smile from Nash. "Nah, I ain't afraid, man. Just... Don't wanna lose my way." Ramiro looked at Nash, and nodded. This probably wasn't his kind of place... Though Nash really looked like he could pummel someone if he had to. When they got up to the apartment, Kiyoshi let go of Nash. "Nice... Place." He'd kind of uncomfortably say. "Kiyo, don't be rude.." Nash would lecture a little bit, "It's not BAD. The carpet feels good and it's not in complete shambles, though it's a bit empty... Sorry 'bout that, guys..." he'd apologize. Vincent wondered... How did Nash know what the carpet felt like with his shoes on?? Ramiro looked a little uncomfortable, though he'd smile, "It's okay. You guys are like... A godsend. Micku and Vincent will at least be able to sleep on beds for a while... We don't even have beds, otherwise I'd give mine to the boys." Vincent looked up at Ramiro, and almost protested, but Ramiro said, "I would, Vincent. I don't care how much you'd argue." before the blond could even say anything. Nash smiled, "Bless your heart." Kiyo would smile, patting Ramiro on the back, I assure you, those kids won't have to sleep on the floor again. Neither will you grown-ups." he'd wink. "Us kids?" Vincent chuckled, "You're hardly older than I am!" Kiyoshi grinned, "Eh, we're a LITTLE older!" After some playful arguing, the humble superstars helped to get the guitar, mic stand, and drum kit out to the truck. Ramiro moved his bass from the car, to the truck. Vincent was all excited, though he'd miss his rattly little car for now. That's when he heard one of the neighbors start blasting music and a good THUD! from sme part of the apartment. Ramiro instructed Vincent to go wait at the truck, and help Kiyoshi while he ran up, "Nash?" he called. "F**k... That threw me all the way off..." Nash would groan over the thumping, having seemed to trip over a kitchen chair... What the heck was he doing with those crash cymbals in the kitchen?? Was he drunk?? Ramiro came closer, but Nash didn't smell or move like he was drunk. He'd help Nash up, but pick up the cymbals. "What the hell are you doing, dude??" he had to ask. Nash groaned again, "Okay... I think I should admit something. " Ramiro would help Nash into a chair, as he checked his ankle to see that he hadn't sprained it. "What's up? What're you doing in the kitchen?? The door's the other way." Ramiro asked, only for Nash to answer, "I didn't know I was in the kitchen. That thumping started and... Gah, Ramiro, dude, don't go blabbing this. I prefer to keep it kind of... Unknown." Ramiro looked up, from where he was kneeling, and Nash looked down, to give the other bassist a close view of his eyes... The even flicked his hat up a bit. Ramiro was rather shocked, "Nash? Are you... Blind??? Your eyes, they're..." Nash nodded, blushing a bit. He found it humiliating! He hated the times he had to walk around with a stick just to find his way... "Yeah. Yeah I am... I.. Ah... Learned to use my sense of smell and almost a sonar-system to find my way around." Ramiro was silent, which made Nash feel ashamed for not saying anything. "Nash, that's.... Freaking amazing." Ramiro would say, in awe. This surprised Nash. "Wh-what??" He'd ask like he hadn't heard correctly. And Ramiro asked, "How do you... How do you know where not to go on stage? Like, with fire, or places where you could trip things... You can't possibly hear over the amps and crowd, and you can't possibly smell with all the... you know... Weed. Booze. Sweat." Nash smiled a bit, "Actually, the way we place all our wires guides me. I feel with my feet." Ramiro was wowed, "Dude... Thank you for telling me that...! Seriously! " Nash pulled his hat over his eyes again, but Ramiro pulled it back up, "Wow..." he'd whisper. "Why hide it??" Nash shrugged, "I guess I don't want it to seem like there's anything wrong. I don't want my fans feeling sorry for me. " Ramiro was baffled, "Dude... You'd be an inspiration. Like, in these past few seconds, you've risen beyond being my bass-hero." Nash seemed to be flustered by this, "Wha? No, no, I'm not really worthy of that...!" Ramiro playfully blew that off, "Whatever, you musical genius." He'd help the younger bassist back out of the apartment, and they'd argue. "I ain't no kinda genius." "Buuuulllllllshiiiiit." Of course, it was playful. Nash was completely flattered to be someone's... Hero. Once back at the truck, they loaded the last bit, and Ramiro secured the apartment and the car. Vincent and Nash had hopped into the bed of the truck, shoes off, holding down the instruments that weren't so easily secured. Vincent was all happy, because Nash was letting him wear his hat!! "Bunch of rednecks!!" Kiyoshi playfully called, getting a bass pick thrown at the opened back window. Ramiro climbed into the cab. "Crazy, crazy." He smirked. Though as soon as Kiyoshi backed out and pulled into the street, "You ain't seen crazy, man." With that, he stomped on the gas pedal and properly shifted gears, plenty of hollering coming from the back.
© 2017 MotleyMellyAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() MotleyMellyCasper, WYAboutI'm no professional,however, I always have new ideas brewing! My fiction universes are huge, with many characters, and my mind never stops coming up with new ideas for them! I was born in the 90's,.. more..Writing