Raef C. Boylan

Raef C. Boylan


Ambition Pending...

Coventry, UK, United Kingdom
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About Me

Hey there.


Where Nothing is Sacred: Volume One


Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

I can also be found at:

wordpress.com ["wherenothingissacred"]

www.eliteskills.com ["Raefon"]


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Posted 8 Years Ago

F. Nazarov - you've ran away and the Tumblr 'find me here' address that you left doesn't work! :( I hope life is going well for you, ol' pal.

If you see this message: @RaefWrites (Twitter)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

We're in the same boat. I've been out for almost 6 months, still clueless, but more hopeful now than I was about 3 months ago. Being alive can be incredibly demanding, haha :)
I have done an open mic gig several times - I experience some serious stage fright! I like meeting other poets, my kin.
What did you read for the crowd? How did they react?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

And you are sorely missed. I CAN'T be the only person who thinks that.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Okay, maybe I was the one who was mostly MIA but that is beside the point. ;)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

You can't just disappear for 2 whole months.
Breaks bro code.
Topples empires.
Crushes hopes and dreams.
What have you been up to?
Any new pieces/work/projects/life events? :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Heyyyy :)
Taking the last exam of my undergrad career today!
Things are good, but also up in the air, transition from undergrad to actual nice , well-paying job isn't so smooth (especially when you're relocating to 300 miles away aka I'm taking myself back to Miami!)
Good thing a local bar offers free margaritas for an hour tonight!

P.S. Nice to hear from you :) Good to know you're alive! ;)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Young grasshoppa, how goes it? :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

one recent cafe profile compared me to evil incarnate, or did it say i didn't have a soul? it's so hard to remember

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Posted 11 Years Ago

alas, lots of people block me, i'm such an ogre :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

YESSSSSS, awesome, you passed your first year!!! Now you can show all the incoming new peeps how it's done ;)

I don't see myself in politics as someone who represents the state/gov't, but rather as an advocate for minority rights of sorts.
So, perhaps, but when and in what way only time will tell :)

Right out of college I'm looking at becoming a social worker/youth mentor because I recently got a job at a community center (pure luck!) and I have really enjoyed it/ felt that it was rewarding.