Name's Emily and I'm 24. I am a girl made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
I have had chronic pain for more than fifteen years. This means I have taken more narcotics than Steven Tyler and Keith Richards combined and my medical bills read something like the
national debt. (That's just a joke to lighten the mood.)
I live for music, writing, reading, my boyfriend, my friends, my close family, blankets, good vinyl, sweaters, long car rides, games of all kinds, my animals, the library, movies, and the idea that the future holds better things than the past.
I want to be a psychologist; if I choose a specialization it would be particularly special to me to be able to work with people with medical problems. I'd also love to be paid for my writing someday. I want to adopt children, if I ever have any to begin with. I have a half-brother that makes me world go round and a best friend (Broggy) that makes everything make sense.
I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.