Micheal Teal

Micheal Teal


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About Me

I am a Poet , Psychic and Spiritual Consultant. Mine is a journey of peace and self discovery. I seek to sow the seeds of new possibilities and inspire the purpose within. I am a searcher and researcher of the spirit. I am on a path of truth , love and light. May all who read this tread softly upon the earth and find the divine spark of inspiration that is within us all.

I have left my footprints in the wind as i travel a path of conscious intent. The womb of nature has caressed my spirit and inspired me to facilitate positive change as i seek to advance human understanding. I walk a rainbow trail where i embrace the world with love . Mine is a passionate vision nurtured by Mother Earth . Through exploration and expression i seek to enhance the flow of positive energy for my fellow spiritual travelers. The simplicity of the soul is enchanting and endearing , it generates peace and love and inspires me to embrace the infinite life force while being a catalyst for conscious evolution.

Mine is a pilgrimage to peace. I am a spiritual gardener sowing seeds of positive transformation. Life is a tapestry we weave each day and i seek to live by imagination while exploring new possibilities. I am attempting to actualize my highest vision while creating a spiritual environment of love , light and understanding. I walk a path of giving with a harmony that is omnipresent. Like a lullaby from a music box my soul plays a symphony that i may truly enjoy this dance of life.

May the soft winds freshen your soul and may you feed your mind with true knowledge while you voyage to the universe within .


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Posted 4 Years Ago

yuki is a beautiful artist and author in Australia whose work touches the heart and soul.

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Posted 4 Years Ago

my response to social distancing has been to live in peace and harmony. my reaction to all the negativity has been to immerse myself in positive energy. my response to all the anger has been to share and inspire happiness. my reaction to all the madness has been to become a better person. we have the choice on how we respond and react to lifes challenges. my response and reaction to the darkness has been to swim in the light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you very much, that was lovely! :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

A really nice message. Thank you.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Alvaro Bizziccari is an 85 year old italian professor who wrote a great spiritual book called Dialogues with my God Self. If you are interested drop him a line and he will send you a copy. Please write only if you are truly interested in his book. Its 700 pages of inspiration.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you Micheal :) x

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you for your wise words of positivity! I wish you a good day, sir :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo Lbug19_zpsa140c4d3.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

“The stars are but tears shed by a myriad of unrequited dreams;
Each sparks with fire and guides its light homeward when a dream is revealed”

When you are young your dreams are innocent
When you are older and wiser your dreams are more vivid
Yet no matter the age dreams give you that feeling of time standing still so that your mind can embrace the dream...

Dream tonight, embrace the innocence and be compelled to write about it through your writings....oh what a challenge that would be :)

Have a poetic Sunday
Sweet good nights to you.....
Silent Serenity aka Raven Shadows

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Posted 11 Years Ago

My focus is lightning; flashes of fleeting beauty and grace.
These once alabastor wings have become muddied, and have transformed to nothing more than a collection of stains.
My words are a tempest; the truth is my shield and my deceit is a blade.......

Lest us not deceit our soul, be truthful to ourselves and continue to inspire people with your poetic writings....it's how we will reach out, it's how we will inspire and it's how we will all heal from our own shadows that follow us....

It's a new week, may the words flow deep and stain the pages of your parchment

Respectfully Silent Serenity also known as Raven Shadows