Krista Laraine

Krista Laraine


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About Me

There is much to tell: there is much in my writing. If you want to know a bit about my personal life you can view my website. I hope you enjoy my poetry and other musings. Critiques and comments are encouraged, and will be returned.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Krista ! Long time no see??? How you been ?
Kelley Frost

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey Krista, been awhile. How's everything?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

long time no hugs


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Woo Hoo!!
My new friend is goreous!!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I didn't get your message on DP. Was it a comment or an email?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hhhey you. you got one of my fav pics of you up.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm glad you re-appreciated my review, Krista. I'll have to check out and comment on another one of your works soon rather than resting on my laurels. :-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Not good at all.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

aww... thank you so very much. i know, this site has certainly become quite the disappointment, but i'm trying to keep the faith, or perhaps just hold on to the memories of how amazing it used to be !! oh well .

but thank you so so much on your review... i like that poem myself... especially the pooh quote in the beginning, hehe. :)


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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey krista! hows it going? liking your writes. got a few new ones up on my page, if you feel like checkin them out. hope you are well!