To me, it's all about observation, perception, perspective and description, understanding what they are and how to employ them. And if I don't put in the work to constantly improve my craft then it will show in the work I produce. So I'm always somewhere reading or writing, learning or applying what I have learned. Welcome to my world. I make an effort to reciprocate all reviews left on my work. I rarely read at random unless a title catches my eye or the piece has been reviewed by a friend. But if you'd like me to review something, just post me a message. Good luck and may the muse bless you all with poetic and literary inspiration.
"Observation is the realm of genius." Isaac D'israeli
"He fumbles at your spirit as players at the keys, before they drop full music on, He stuns you by degrees. / Prepares your brittle substance for the ethereal blow, by fainter hammers, further heard, Then nearer, then so slow/ Your breath has time to straighten; your brain to bubble cool- deals one imperial thunderbolt that scalps your naked soul." Emily Dickinson
"In Franklin's tower the four winds sleep
Like four lean hounds the lighthouse keep
Wildflower seed on the sand and wind
May the four winds blow you home again"
from Franklin's Tower: Grateful Dead
LOL I must be getting old...first time I'd been on in awhile and I saw a blue banner across the top of my page that I thought said, "We're handling manure content a little differently. Click here for information." I WAS close!