An early grave for a shallow slave Depravity engraved Dirty, Discarded, Encrusted Drudging Ephemeral reliefPast mistake Presently embraced Facade, Me..
The darkest days provide the most enlightenment
Our experience in life will all affect us differently, leaving traces of the lessons learned and the times we lost and found ourselves. Sometimes in f..
Often we grow bitter and angry with the fact the bite of more than we can chew. This basically is how i felt, feel, about the decisions ive made in my..
I just want somebody to be close to.
Everyones lonely sometimes.
People just wait wait for their turn to talk anymore, Everyone is concerned with what they want, and never take the time to think about other people. ..
At some point in life we have all given up on something.
perhaps it has haunted you, or maybe it has faded away.
constantly fighting the demons that..
Living with out experiences is a waste of a life. At times we all forget how precious life is, and how little time we have. Make the best out of it.