Vampires!!! :):) March 2, 2010 - March 15, 2010
Contest Completed
I have the best vampire story EVA!!!!! W00T -
The Victim With Rhythm
My vamp. story is awesome!!! (and this award proves it)Cool, huh? - [writing deleted]
My Vamp. story isn't half bad! Yeay! - The Victim Wasting Away
My story is very descriptive (and bloody and goary gross) YEAY! :)= - Shadowland
My vamp. story is awesome!!! (and this award proves it)Cool, huh? - [writing deleted]
My Vamp. story isn't half bad! Yeay! - The Victim Wasting Away
My story is very descriptive (and bloody and goary gross) YEAY! :)= - Shadowland
DetailsAny story having to do with vampires.
(P.S. If you have a chapter you want to enter, just copy it, add a piece of writing {story, duh}, and paste and VOILA!!! your done!!! :):):) ) Prizes$0000000.00, The satisfaction of knowing you having a great vampire story!!! :):):)
ModeratorStats6 Contestants
8 Submissions 290 Views Created Mar 2, 2010 |