About Me
I am a writer.
My heart and soul are in the words I write down. I've had this issue where I can never express myself fully in words, I write to express what my mouth cannot.
It's freedom.
I love Anime.. I love life.. I love God.
I'm planning to write and complete a short story series... (Short stories are starting to become my primary form, as well as Microfiction (short shorts). I have some stories even on here that may be in the series, and I hope that I can be a successful author, sharing my gift with the world.
And please fellow writers, as you read my pieces, tear my writing apart, (constructively) because I need to go above where I am now!
Poetry is not my thing, the only form I really love is Haiku, and I will otherwise try and experiment with it here and there.
One of my desires is to travel to Japan and just experience the culture. *sigh*
I lived in America (Baltimore, Maryland) for a while, so spellings of a particular word may be a little funny to some people, (color/colour etc..)
I guess that's what happens when you live in two different places eh? As well as accumulating a Britican accent...
The people in this world need clarity, and as well need a form of escape. I hope to be one of those writers to do that.
**Note: I haven't been active for a while, due to the fault the website had and all of my stories/poems got deleted, but I am back now and afresh for the new year! :)